Dear friend,
We’re just 3 days away from our rally and we can’t wait to welcome you on Saturday, 23 September at 3pm! Above, you can see some of our volunteers and organising team hard at work at a dry run last Saturday, ensuring that things proceed smoothly on the day itself.
If you want to find out everything under the sun about the rally, check out our website, which contains all the details you need including our calls to action, programme on the day itself, the biographies of our amazing speakers and performers, descriptions of the rally activities, a map of the rally site, information on accessibility measures and FAQs in English, Malay, Tamil, and Mandarin. Condensed versions of our event lineup and FAQs can be found on our Instagram.
For any new updates leading up to the rally, join our Telegram channel, RSVP on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram. Also, if you’re free, join us together with Stridy on Sunday, 24 September from 4-6pm at Hong Lim Park for a clean up! Sign up at
Finally, our team of dedicated volunteers have been producing some fantastic content to promote the rally across social media, as well as our art jam a few days ago. We’ll share some of their work below so check it out!
We’ll see you on Saturday!
For a better world,
SG Climate Rally
Thanks to everyone who came for our Art Jam on Sunday! We were heartened that so many people turned up ready to get their creative juices flowing. Below you can see how it went and some of the 🔥 posters:

We’ll also be having a placard art jam space at the rally itself, so don’t fear if you haven’t made yours!
📹Meanwhile, our Tiktok team has been hard at work! Check out this #throwback to our previous rally in 2019, and give our account a follow:
📖We’ve also done up two more explainers on how Singapore needs to do more to meet its climate goals and take more ambitious climate action, as well as casting an eye towards the upcoming COP28 conference in Dubai and how Singapore can contribute more to regional and international efforts to combat the climate crisis. Pursuing more ambitious climate goals is something we’re pushing Singapore to do at the rally, so have a read of the explainers for a taster!
🎧Over on our Climate Kopitiam podcast, we’ve recorded two episodes together with our fellow climate activists in the region. The first episode featured Aroe Ajoeni from Malaysian climate justice and feminist organisation Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY), while the second episode featured Mitzi Jonelle Tan from Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP). It was truly inspiring to hear of their very different experiences advocating for climate action in their countries, and a reminder that none of us can do this on our own, as the crisis transcends national borders. We highly recommend a listen!
😜We know all this information about the climate crisis can be rather disheartening at times, so on a lighter note, our resident shitposters meme-makers created some climate-related memes, just for laughs:
🤓Two members of our team, Heng Yeng and Debby, were on a recent Teh Tarik with Walid Instagram Live episode, sharing their thoughts on climate activism and political action! It was a great conversation and massive thanks to Prof Walid for the invite. Check out the episode below:
🌍Thanks also to Wake Up Singapore for publishing our op-ed, which took a look at environmental advocacy campaigns in the past such as the efforts to conserve Lower Peirce Reservoir and Bukit Brown cemetery. We can’t do what we do without the brave actions of those who came before us.
💪On the final post of our partner feature series on Instagram, we featured Students for a Fossil Free Future (S4F), a group of students calling for an end to the fossil fuel industry’s influence on our universities. Read on about their demands for accountability and their mission to push for a just transition towards a low-carbon economy.
🥵Ribbit.FYI ran a powerfully illustrated post on heat inequality featuring Marlina, one of the speakers at our rally. As temperatures rise, the health costs largely fall on those who are unable to afford air conditioning, like the rental flat community that Marlina is a part of. That’s why continuing to call for climate justice is important!
🧑🏫Finally, last but certainly not least, if you’re tired of our constant exhortations to attend the rally, we get it. So why not read what Assoc. Prof Winston Chow, an expert on urban heat and also recently elected co-chair of a working group in the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has to say and why you should attend?
From Climate Alarmism to Climate Realism.
It’s time to stop the climate activist and alarmist nonsense and revisit the climate science.
We need to stop misleading the general public by spreading unsubstantiated scare campaigns that we have a climate emergency when all the scientific facts show that the climate change is mainly beneficial.
Also, we must leave the energy providers alone to get on with providing low-cost reliable energy to power our national prosperity.
Of course…. pollution on land sea and air is always an improvement journey to continue.
But, get used to the facts ……the climate is changing, and its natural, and its mainly good news, and its not us!
I suggest you review this package of information……
Its now clear we are at critical mass of scientific dispute that we have any kind of climate emergency.
We have now released a documentary that is getting viewed by our political organizations.
A Climate Conversation - YouTube
It addresses the truth about climate causation and so-called climate catastrophes.
The Intent is to reverse the foolish NetZero journey .
We at Clintel have released a peer reviewed declaration by almost 2000 scientists that states that we do not have a climate emergency.
We now have many scientists ready to argue with the IPCC reports….
Here is a presentation of a letter they have sent to IPCC.
Clintel Assessment of IPCC Reports - YouTube
In my recent Brainsmagazine article I mention 3 powerful scientific alternatives to the IPCC that has now shown itself to be more political than scientific.
I think the jig is up for the IPCC…. And the activists, who should redirect the focus to sustainability and pollution reduction, but not climate change.
The future effort must be to provide an alternative position to the Climate emergency Net Zero rhetoric and move the population toward Climate Science and Realism.
Reversing Climate Alarmism - by Nigel Southway (
Although effort must be expended to provide the scientific facts to reset the understanding of “Climate Reality” any meaningful change and progress will probably take significant political change and unwavering leadership and bravery by those of us that strive to seek the truth to push through the Climate alarmist cult and move everyone toward “Climate Realism.”